Principal’s Desk
It is the right of every individual and group at Don Bosco, Borivali to have a peaceful and dignified educational experience without being hindered by the behaviour or attitude of others. In order that this should happen, it is essential that every member of the School/Jr. College community is:
- Considerate – Respecting everyone else as an individual; making sure that words and actions do not cause inconvenience or offence to anybody.
- Courteous – Being polite and helpful at all times.
- Co-operative – Being willing to work with others.
- Friendly – Being on good terms with others.
- Hardworking – Doing our best.
- Honest – Being truthful, respecting the property of other people and School/Jr. College.
- Trustworthy – Accepting that others genuinely want help and want to help.
- Responsible – Being reliable and responsible for our actions, behaving as part of a community.
What this means in Practice is that We should all do the following :
- Be Punctual – Avoid late arrival
- Speak Considerately – Avoid shouting, swearing and offensive language.
- Be ready for Lessons – Have the necessary materials.
- Clear up – After lessons and break time.
- Move in an Orderly Way – Avoid running and use paths; hold doors open for other people.
- Negotiate – If we know there might be a problem, go and talk to someone about it.
- Respect – For Parents, Teachers and Authority.
- Readiness – Be prepared for any challenge.
Rev. Fr. Flovi D’Souza, Principal