Don Bosco High School & Junior College, Borivli

A seminar on career guidance for the parents and the students of Classes 10 and 12 was organised by the Borivli Unit of The  Don Bosco Alumni on 10 September 2022.

The basic purpose of career guidance is to acquaint individuals with their occupational choices. Bearing this in mind, the past pupils, under the guidance of the Principal, Fr Flovi D’Souza, and the leadership of their Vice-president, Mr Arthur Menezes, organised a seminar for the students. 

The seminar was conducted by the professionals from ‘Youngbuzz’. A set of vibrant and extremely updated speakers in the persons of Ms Nazia Khan and Ms Qurratulain Kapasi beautifully elucidated the different fields available and open to the students. In their discourse, they were able to highlight the courses of science, commerce and arts as the basics and further elaborated distinctly the plethora of opportunities in building their careers.

It was indeed very fascinating to see the keen interest of the students as well as the parents as they conscientiously took down notes and clarified their doubts as the speakers gave a listening ear for their queries . The satisfaction they experienced  was evident in their smiles. 

To make things a little more clearer, an exhibition was organised at the exit point with posters showcasing the various career options spoken of at the seminar. The buzz among the students and the parents as they left the venue gave positive vibes imparting a great sense of satisfaction for the organising team. 

Well, it does not end there! This seminar would be followed by an online psychometric aptitude test for the students and individualised feedback sessions for parents and students, which will be conducted during the course of the following week.

Don Bosco, Borivli, is confident that this seminar would definitely turn out to be beneficial to their students for their future prospects. 


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