Picnic: A day outing for the pre primary section
“Play is our Brain’s favorite way of learning”
The students of the preprimary section of Don Bosco School Borivali were taken for a class picnic to Royal Garden Resort on 30 th January 2025. With their bags packed, the children were delighted and excited to go for the picnic. On reaching the resort, the children enthusiastically explored the alluring beauty and bounties of nature. They enjoyed the unique experiential play area which included spider web, trampoline, jumping jack, slides, swings etc. where the children climbed, hopped, skipped and jumped. The day was well spent enjoying, singing and interacting
with each other. They relished the breakfast and lunch which was served. Later in the day, a magic show was organized. The magician performed numerous tricks on the stage which left the children astonished and mesmerized. He called few children and performed astonishing tricks with them. The children remained glued to the show until it ended. This helped the children intensify their observation skills and concentration. The visit to the resort was a memorable one, it was a wonderful opportunity for all the children to strengthen their bonds and everyone came back to the school rejuvenated.