Back with a Bang !!!

  15th June 2023 marked the beginning of the new academic year at Don Bosco High School, Borivli. Eager young faces lined up the portals as all the teachers welcomed the students with a broad smiles on their lips armed with a placard of their respective classes.

This year seemed more overwhelming than ever before. The feelings of excitement, joy and anxiety surfaced among the students and the teachers alike. Today manifested a historic moment for the boscoites of Borivli. We were stepping into the newly inaugurated school building. A huge, spacious and a state-of-art infrastructure awaited to call embrace these young ones with open arms. As the teachers led the students to their classes, one could not miss the exhilaration and eagerness on their faces.

As they settled in their classrooms, a short assembly was conducted invoking the blessings of the Lord on each. Rev. Fr. Flovi D’souza, the principal, addressed the students over the intercom. In his speech he thanked all those who worked hard to give shape to our dream of moving into the new structure. The school being our second home, he urged all to own this place and take responsibility of its upkeep.

The teachers then took the students through the rules and regulations for the new year. The students took the first five classes and the school ended at 11.30 am.

We are all looking forward to a new beginning, new experiences and new stories to write.


Lets get started……. 

Admission Open for Junior College
Admission Open for Junior Coll